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theman440 Wrote:
More jumping around - I'm using a Milodon external line oil pump on this motor. I

It doesn't have the notorious green gasket - does it?
Wednesday I got the rings filed for 3 more holes - this is a long tedious job. I cut it short cause I was getting tired and almost made a mistake!

[Image: img_20200422_182207076-jpg.940547]

This is what I had to do to get my passenger side header straightened - the flange got caught on the trailer one day way back. Now it wont hang down and annoy me any more, call it Desert Rat engineering!

[Image: img_20200421_214611439-jpg.940548]
Small update -

  • [INDENT]Another change in direction - I'm ditching the Moroso belt water pump drive and going direct drive electric.

    [Image: img_20200504_183007476-jpg.972192][/INDENT]

  • [INDENT]Moving along - been checking bearing clearances, had an issue with the #3 main but managed to get it figured out. Main journal clearance ended up at .003-.0035. Next problem - the alignment of the #3 cap and saddle (front to rear) is not right. This causes an issue with the thrust surfaces, After a call to the machinist I will be shipping the cap to him so he can ream out the stud holes so the cap can be adjusted (fore or aft) and have the thrust surfaces be flush. Checked piston pin clearances - all good then started on the rods. Got three measured and started seeing a pattern - all have .003-.0035 clearance. I'm lookin' for .0025 - looks like I'll be buying more bearings. So after all the headaches I decided too move on to something else -

    I am going to run a pan-evac system on this engine but I dont really like the goofy breathers in the valve covers and hoses flopping around the engine compartment. I will have a breather box mounted on the valley cover to sit under the intake.

    I got this Hammond "Chassis box" it is aluminum, has a removable lid and will be welded to the valley plate. I drilled holes thru the bottom of it at the rear that also go thru the valley cover into the valley.
    [Image: img_20200512_213355977-jpg.949589]

    On the bottom of the valley cover this plate will be welded to cover the holes for oil baffling/splash shielding. Hard to see but the sides are open to allow for air flow.
    [Image: img_20200512_221250216-jpg.949590][/INDENT]

  • [INDENT]The box will be divided into 2 chambers, these tubes enter the box from the rear, pass thru the divider (shown) into the front chamber. The tubes are -10 AN tubing that I bead rolled the ends on. The rear chamber will be packed with stainless or copper mesh and the front with foam just like the usual breathers are.
    [Image: img_20200512_214642478-jpg.949591]

    Here is what the pieces look like installed in the box -
    [Image: img_20200512_202824734-jpg.949592]

    I chamfered the holes and also ground some grooves in the bottom of the box to help facilitate oil drainage, the bolt is temporary -
    [Image: img_20200512_214027544-jpg.949593]

    Here is the assembly sitting on the valley cover on the block. I did mock up the heads and intake to make sure it will fit under there. Note: the tubes point to the rear of the engine, the hoses will go straight back curve back between the heads and firewall then down to the check valves. The engine compartment will look much cleaner this way IMO.
    [Image: img_20200512_221644702-jpg.949595]

    Next step is to get the assembly welded together, see you next time![/INDENT]

  • [INDENT] I mentioned in an earlier post I sent my thrust main cap out to get the holes reamed. I got it back threw the crank in the block and checked the thrust - the spec is .004-.010 it was at .010, Not good enough for me so I bought another set of bearings. Now the thrust was right at minimum .004 but the journal clearances were too tight sooooooooo buy more bearings! Got a set of .001 over shells and finally on Sunday in 107 degree heat I'm finished with the main bearings.

    [Image: img_20200527_165939388-jpg.966772]

    [Image: img_20200517_163902799-jpg.966773][/INDENT]

  • [INDENT]I didn't think there would be any clearance issues with the 4.15 stroke crank but I installed 4 piston & rod assemblies and put them in each corner and took a look. Plenty of clearance at the pickup tube boss and at the bottom of the bores. I imagine if I was using standard RB big end rods there would be clearance issues. I also checked piston to deck height while I was at it. I ended up with more than I wanted but we'll be OK. So far rod side clearance has been .015 & .016, hopefully the rest will be the same. I ordered a set of .001 undersize rod bearings and am still waiting for them to come in.

    [Image: img_20200621_153626323-jpg.966774]

    [Image: img_20200621_153704214-jpg.966775][/INDENT]

  • [INDENT]Update, finished up the breather box & painted the valley cover. My rod bearings finally showed up so next I'll be checking rod bearing clearances.

    [Image: img_20200704_143441457-jpg.972185]

    [Image: img_20200705_163148321-jpg.972186] [/INDENT]

Breather box is sweet
Thanks Andy!
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