Update, Originally I decided not to do any block oiling system modifications on this engine. I have now reconsidered, so I started reaming out the main oil feed passages (from lifter galley) to 9/32. I will also install a restrictor (drilled freeze plug) in the drivers side lifter galley as opposed to totally blocking it.
I inserted this steel 3/8 rod in the lifter galley to protect it from the reamer (just in case) turns out It wasn't needed and ended up causing the passages to clog up with iron shavings. You live and you learn I guess.
While I'm waiting on good weather to start the engine assembly I have decided to do some more detailing of the car. The car has more paint staining around the side trim and emblems like what was on the rear. I bought some nice emblems from a fellow FBBO member and cleaned and painted them.
These are the original untouched scripts and emblems on the right front fender, note the stain on the paint just above the side trim. The whole car is like this. -
Here you can see the staining that was around the emblems -
Here are some comparison pics between the old & refurbished emblems - not the best quality pics but they are much better looking than the originals emblems.
I read somewhere that if you are going to use a LED for a charge indicator light (which I am) that you have to install a resistor between the + & - terminals of the LED. I bought the required 100 OHM 1 watt resister and soldered it in.