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markz Wrote:My favorite valve covers.

What heads do you run? I machine spacers for those valve covers and o-ring the head to spacer. It works out real nice - never had any leak. But not all heads are the same. I'm in the process of making another run. Ordering material next week. I can make an extra set if you have any interest. Around $50 - 60 in material.

The other thing I do with those covers is machine the baffle standoffs some and safety wire the screws so that they can't fall out.

I am running Indy EZ heads, but at this point I'm not sure if I will use the Mickeys or not. I am still interested in the spacers though.
While I wait for machine work I got back to refurbishing the passenger door. Disassemble, vacuum, clean, wax inside of door. Clean & lube regulator, replace glass channel glides. Could have finished but the new cat whiskers don't fit right. Called the supplier - hope fully something will get worked out.

Another issue I wanted to address - the arm rest pads interfered with the roll cage so I had to remove them. There was nothing to grab on to close the doors, so I would pull on the window crank or wind wing latch - no more.


I painted the base (supposed to be chrome but close enough) made this plate with the same profile as the armrest pad, painted it wrinkle black.


Now there is something to pull on to close the door.
Time to get this updated -

I tried to put the door back together but had a set-back. These repro glass guides are garbage, I rolled the window up and down a few times and this happened -


This is huge because from what I've researched on these re-pro units is that nobody has had success with them and the OE ones have dried up. Any happen to have a OE set they'll sell me? They are part # 02932230
In the past I have clear coated the aluminum parts but they always turn yellow over time. This time around I'm gonna paint the aluminum parts silver or aluminum - what do you think?

The block machine work has been done for a while - here are some pics.

Block was magged (to check for cracks) OK
Billet main caps fitted, line bored and honed (with girdle attached)
Block squared & decked.
Cylinders bored .030 over (with torque plate)
Pan rail/main caps machined flat (with seal retainer and front cover bolted on) This is done so the girdle has a perfectly flat surface to bolt to.

I modified the spring plates so I can have somewhere to tie the rear of the car down. In the past I ran 1 strap under one axle tube, up over the pumpkin, then back under the other axle tube. Now I can use 2 straps and cross 'em - much safer this way.


These headers are at least 25 years old, they are the old CPPA (Chrysler Performance Parts Association) 2-inch big block A-body "under chassis". They were nickel plated originally but are somewhat rusty now. I'd like to buy new headers but the ones I want are $1300.00 so I'll stay with these for now. I welded in o2 bungs and evac tubes, also both rear tubes near the flanges were cracked.

I've had the heads back for a few weeks now also, I picked them up and dropped off the intake for porting.


They now sport Max Wedge size intake ports and the exhaust ports were raised roughly 1/8 as well as fully ported. The chambers were cleaned up and polished.
Got more parts in -


I decided to go a different route with the rear brakes. I could not find anybody local to make the e-brake cables I wanted and then I stumbled across a good deal on a Wilwood set up.


I rebuilt the calipers, drilled out the rotor hats for the 5/8 studs and painted them. I was able to get hoses made locally.
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