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can't find window washer pump wire on 1967 coronet 440
Hi all,replaced the missing washer bottle and pump on my wagon, and cant find the pump wire.
from what it shows in my service manual i have it coming out of the firewall harness but nothing from wiring harness where I would think.
So before I go unwrapping my harness (what I don't want to do) I am hopping I can get someone to narrow down my search area to where it should be coming out of harness to pump.
It's all original and very unmolested under the hood except for this pump wire, I'd love to not start digging blindly into harness unless needs be.
Reply Purge Spammer

look for a 18 gauge brown wire by horns
The Idaho Andy
OL Blue is scared of Max
Reply Purge Spammer

Thats what I would have thought, only brown wire out of harness is going to alternator.
Chrysler was fond of brown wire under the hood.
it should be a double plug? Brown and grey or just a single brown?
Reply Purge Spammer

Thought is a dark green 18 going to alt. ?
The Idaho Andy
OL Blue is scared of Max
Reply Purge Spammer

Sometimes those green under hood wires get baked and start to turn an ugly shade of brown. Unless those wires have been replaced, don't forget they are 46 year old wires!
Castles made of sand slip in to the sea....eventually
Reply Purge Spammer

It is a Brown wire. It comes from the top left socket on the middle bulk head connector under the hood.
Reply Purge Spammer

On my 67. It is taped up with the horn and runs low along the passenger side inner fender. It should be there..
Reply Purge Spammer

You are right and so am I, my wire is brown but it looks like some one has installed my pump wire to the ground spade connector on my alt in my wagon.
Don't know what damage that would have caused the car, I am looking thru the harness now.
just got home from work and took a better look at alt, The 68 here doesn't have a ground spade connector on the back of alt, but you can see the letters GRD and a hole where it would be.
Yes there is a green wire to the field.
Reply Purge Spammer

HHMM sounds like someone put a dual field alt. on there and just grounded the other field wire which is fine, if you unhook that ground you will notice alt. won't charge. How do I know this?? I just put a new washer bottle on my wife's Coronet and they had the dual field alt. ground going to one of the washer bottle mounting screw's and I forgot to put it back and she says washer works great but now charging sytem doesn't LOL

So you need one pump wire going to ground(washer mounting screw) and brown to positive pump.
The Idaho Andy
OL Blue is scared of Max
Reply Purge Spammer

i think its a single feild alt. one green wire to Field and a spade connector that is marked GRD with no wire.
Reply Purge Spammer

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