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ws27 Wrote:That would be the guy who casts the pot metal. Did I spell it right? Castor/Caster?
Not sure just wanting to learn about the process
That is a beautiful sight! Looks pretty good from what I can see.
Just up from Rhode Island with a pot a alphabet soup!

Pics to follow...
C H E V R O L E T ? Rofl

Sorry Rich, I just couldn't help myself!

I'm slobbering here......
OK, here are what they look like now. I asked for a test run of 5 sets of each made. The caster did 7 and the plater lost one letter. They still need to be painted. For these ones, I'm going to hand paint them. For later runs, they will be sprayed just like the factory. I'm working with the 3D image guy to make a set of stencils for painting.

They came out just the way I was hoping, with a little bit of flaw. The caster really didn't like the way they turned out because he likes to buff each piece and get the flaws out, but that was not how the factory did them. I didn't want the sharp lines to be lost.

The only other issue is the pins got plated a little too much, like about 5-10 thousandths, these ones need to have the holes drilled out just a bit to fit perfectly.

I'll be bringing them to Carlisle to show them. Let's see how that goes.

I'll get close up pictures when they are painted.
Cool, Rich!
All kidding aside Rich, they do look excellent and there will be many 67 Coronet owners excited to purchase a set or two! I'm sure that companies such as Year One and other large Mopar parts retailers will also be interested in these previously impossible to find letters as well. Wink

Thanks Richard.
Hooray, another extinct 67 item is going to be reproduced!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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