Full Version: The road less traveled...
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Those really look nice! Are the white ones for a 68-9? Gets me thinking custom like matching the insert paint to the car.
The white ones have a lip around them that the black ones don't. The white are 68 and the black are 67/69
They are also made here in the USA.
Lookin' good rich!
I agree Rich, you've done a fantastic job my friend!

I lowered the price of the rears to $120.00, shipping is still $8.00..

Here's a couple of pictures on a hood and the rear on a 69 trunk. Keep in mind the 67 trunk and 69 trunk are the exact same per part numbers.

Please make sure I have your correct order, name, and address before you send money. I've had a couple of people send money and I had no idea what they wanted, nor who or where they lived.

...On second thought, maybe I should complain about people throwing money at me.Smile
There jewelry Rich . Nice work
Thanks Andy!
Looks good, Rich!
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