Full Version: Window fuzzies/furries.whiskers et al
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theman440 Wrote:You know how I like to stir things up so I want to get this info out there. My '66 hardtop has the original "window fuzzies" on it. Both the inner and outer pieces are the "whisker" style. The originals off the convertible were too. They do not have the rubber blade as referenced in a previous post. All the aftermarket versions I have seen vary.

Hello Jeff,

My '66 500 also still had all of it's original inner and outer cat whiskers when I purchased it back in 1989, as well as all of it's original interior parts. While I do remember that all of the inner whiskers were the soft fuzzy style, I honestly don't remember what the outers were made out of. I will mention though, that all of the aftermarket cat whisker sets that I've either purchased or seen personally over the years, have all had the soft fuzzy style inners and the rubber blade style outers. I am REALLY looking forward to Zoran's thoughts on the First Place Auto whisker set he purchased.

The TopCat set I bought had fuzz on the inside and rubber blade on the outside. The set I ended up using has flocked rubber with a fold in it at the bottom. Kinda hard to explain but the material goes down from stainless edge, is folded into a V shape and comes back up towards the glass (flocked side of material sweeps glass)
Of course you know Jeff, my next question is going to be if you have a web link to the company that you purchased those flocked cat whiskers from. Wink As mentioned, all I've ever seen are the style that Top Cat sells with the fuzzy inner whiskers front and back and the rubber blade outers front and back.

Looks like the rear inners are stapled on (see Pic)
These inner panels are removable - like I said before I bet if you remove these you will be able to push the glass in (towards the center of car) and gain clearance to install the outers without removing the glass.
thebankerstoy Wrote:Hello Jeff,

My '66 500 also still had all of it's original inner and outer cat whiskers when I purchased it back in 1989, as well as all of it's original interior parts. While I do remember that all of the inner whiskers were the soft fuzzy style, I honestly don't remember what the outers were made out of. I will mention though, that all of the aftermarket cat whisker sets that I've either purchased or seen personally over the years, have all had the soft fuzzy style inners and the rubber blade style outers. I am REALLY looking forward to Zoran's thoughts on the First Place Auto whisker set he purchased.


Me too..

The people at First Place Auto are NOT to be relied upon. I am STILL waiting for a pro forma invoice to be sent to me, since someone there (Terri) asked me to simply send all my credit card details and the 3 digit security number, via email to her. WTF? Without me even having ANY confirmation from them first. Since their websites (yes there are 2) are both so broken you cannot even see parts for a Coronet on either of them. So I asked her to send me via email a pro forma invoice. At least then I could send her the CC details. Since I would have a company name and their invoice as record.


Been weeks now..

SO, as for the FPA whiskers being superior...I guess I will never know. Sad
WOW Zoran, I totally agree! That is absolutely ridiculous for them to ask you to send that kind of information via an unsecured e-mail! I was in the Banking business for almost 34 years and know very well what can happen when folks aren't careful with their sensitive financial information and it's even worse these days with the on-line factor!

As a last resort, ask them if they accept PayPal payments, as those are much more secure and can be used worldwide.

I don't do banks anymore, just credit unions and I buy nothing on the internet, got hit a few years ago with a 6000.00 charge for cowboy boots that the card company ate, but had to close everything up and cut up the Visas!!!
Racer Brown Wrote:I don't do banks anymore, just credit unions and I buy nothing on the internet, got hit a few years ago with a 6000.00 charge for cowboy boots that the card company ate, but had to close everything up and cut up the Visas!!!

I do understand your reasoning Steve, but not purchasing anything via the Internet, especially for Zoran who lives in Finland, is just not possible.

I will agree that folks should always purchase items on the Internet very carefully and should always use a credit card instead of a debit card if at all possible, because if a fraudulent transaction does occur on a credit card account and you notify your bank asap, they will back you up and will refund the money unless they determine that you were part of the fraud, but as ALWAYS, read ALL of the fine print on the credit card application before you agree to the terms and sign the paperwork that then becomes a binding legal contract!. Having your financial institution backing your use of a debit card is not always true, as there are more restrictions on the debit cards depending on where you live and the financial institution that you're dealing with.

Unfortunately even Mike who is MUCH more computer savvy than I am will tell you that almost everything that is done on-line can be hacked by on-line criminals who do that for a living, but we live in that world now, so we just have to continue to be as careful as possible and check your account records carefully and frequently!.


And now back to talking about window fuzzies..................
OK, I finally got them ordered.

Here is what transpired.

Terry McMullen from a company called Trimparts, has been the person asking me for CC details.

I said no until I had a correct invoice with their company name and contacts. I received that FINALLY, this afternoon my time.

I then sent her 2 separate emails breaking my CC details across both. And, for enhanced paranoia, I also waited a while between each. Actually sending other emails out while I waited. The chances of a n intercept are highly unlikely. And now that I have an invoice I have something to chase.

I actually have a forwarding wharehouse that I can now use in the US, (Texas). This is going to save me plenty of money, since it is my mechanic mates' account, and he is going to do the major work rebuilding my original 383 in my car over winter. He ships thousands of parts each year from the US so his rate with the shipping companies is really low.


Hope it does not take too long to get to me..And I will review them properly once I have them.

Unless you encrypted the email or the attachment that contained your information, the only thing you accomplished by splitting up your credit card like that is give yourself a false sense of security.

Since you use Gmail for your mail, sending it via email is almost as secure as posting it on Facebook...
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