Full Version: Window fuzzies/furries.whiskers et al
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I have issues with all aspects..But at least the ones on the OUTSIDE did line up with the slots in my car. So although still not easy, I got ONE in already..

The REAL problem is the inner ones.

As Rich says..

No-one provides those tacks with the whiskers (possibly the biggest oversight in automotive spare part history)..Mine are most definitely tacked in not stapled. I pulled one of my old whiskers up, thinking it was the same as the OUTER ones..Should never have done that.. Sad

It went back in place, but I DID get up close and personal with how they are fastened in there..A relatively bright and shiny silver tack was revealed, as it TORE through my whiskers..

I can agree that whatever I use, has to be FLAT headed, so it buries itself into the strip not protrude out. My assessment, total rubbish design..Not the first or the last time I will say that about some old car.. Wink
Can you get us a pic of that Tek?

Also remember, these cars were designed with two things in mind only. First to go together easily at the factory, they didn't care how difficult it was for someone later to work on them. And second get them out the door. Nothing like today, cars always went out with flaws and it was expected that the dealer fix them.

I'll try to remember to check the inside panels on my silver car, maybe I can figure out what they used based on the holes.

BTW, not a big deal, but I go by Rich and The Bankers Toy goes by Richard. Neither of us care what you call us but it simplifies for us who you are referring to.

Also do you mind if I ask your name too?
LOL..I did not realize that..

So sorry to Rich and Richard respectively..From Zoran! Wink

I'll try to get photos this weekend..
TekHousE Wrote:OK that makes sense if the rear panel comes off..
Rich my Top cat whiskers had METAL clips on the ones that go on the outside of the window. They are also the sweeper type, just like my original ones, i.e. a rubber blade. as opposed to the inner whiskers that are just strip of whisker material.

[Image: 14914004425_47ba4cd477_b.jpg]
This is the same type i have for my car. same issue. especially on the drivers side, the window is almost impossible to rollup. I noticed you can make slight angle adjustments on the window and i have been playing with that (slowly, havent had much time to work on her lately).

Also unrelated - Jeff - got your message but I was a day too late. your inbox is full by the way. couldnt reply to your PM but really appreciate the heads up.
TekHousE Wrote:LOL..I did not realize that..

So sorry to Rich and Richard respectively..From Zoran! Wink

I'll try to get photos this weekend..

No problem Zoran! It's just that Rich and me are confused enough already without any additional help! Rofl I also hate calling folks by screen names, so it's great to be able to call you by name now my friend!

thebankerstoy Wrote:No problem Zoran! It's just that Rich and me are confused enough already without any additional help! Rofl I also hate calling folks by screen names, so it's great to be able to call you by name now my friend!


Sure would be nice if all the names were listed, I sure cant remember them all but do feel funny calling people by there screen name sometimes. What is the big secret?

HI Zoran
stamm321 Wrote:This is the same type i have for my car. same issue. especially on the drivers side, the window is almost impossible to rollup. I noticed you can make slight angle adjustments on the window and i have been playing with that (slowly, havent had much time to work on her lately).

I totally agree with you regarding the fact that door and quarter window glass adjustments may be required while installing the new cat whiskers. Before doing that though, owners should also look at their cars door alignment, because if the door hinges are worn out and allowing the doors to sag when opened, the doors most likely won't be in alignment when closed either and that will disrupt the side window glass alignment as well.

I hate to be the guy that keeps repeating this message, but if anyone needs the correct step by step information on how to adjust / align their doors, or side window glass, those procedures are well documented in the Factory Service Manual for your particular car. These cars are 40 plus years old now and have been tweaked and twisted many times over those years, so side window glass and body panel realignment isn't uncommon. Installing new cat whiskers just highlights the needed adjustments.

By the way, most Factory Service Manuals purchased in a CD format will run you about $30.00 plus shipping. It will be the best money that you will ever spend on your car. Please let me know if you'd like to purchase one for your car and I'll give you an excellent recommendation for a company who I purchase all of mine from and who is also licensed by Chrysler to reproduce and sell them. Wink

I am going to spend some real time on this this weekend. My ears tweaked when stamm mentioned the small adjustments to glass angle. That could be big for me as the ONE window I have replaced the outer whisker on is now really tight..SO tight that my Power window motor is really laboring..


I will be so screwed if that goes..
You know how I like to stir things up so I want to get this info out there. My '66 hardtop has the original "window fuzzies" on it. Both the inner and outer pieces are the "whisker" style. The originals off the convertible were too. They do not have the rubber blade as referenced in a previous post. All the aftermarket versions I have seen vary.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Sure would be nice if all the names were listed, I sure cant remember them all but do feel funny calling people by there screen name sometimes. What is the big secret?

HI Zoran

I agree Andy, I keep a log of everybody who uses their real name in their posts on the various web sites that I belong to and it makes speaking with them so much more friendly! There are some web sites that require all members to post their complete real names and locations in all of their posts and while that may not work for some, unless you're in the "Witness Protection Program" it's unclear to me why folks can't use at least their real first name when posting. I always sign off every one of my posts with my first name so anybody who wants to address something that I've written will know who they are speaking to.

I'd sure like to think that we're all friends here on the DCR that should be on a first name basis right?

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