If you go to the Tech Pages there is a log of info there. Most of it relating to putting B body parts on A Body cars but a lot of that can be useful to us B Bodyers.
The pump is buried in a box somewhere, the only one I found was one without the brackets. Here is a picture of the pump mounted on the engine so you can see how it mounts.
I love Mopars so much I'm date coding the skid marks in my underwear.
Great picture! Super helpful! I sent him another email and he found a federal pump with the bracket on it! Picking it up this week and slapping it on this weekend. Anyone happen to know the rough capacity for fluid?
I can't thank you enough for the help! I forget I have the manual to look that stuff up. Should be set on the hose as the hoses were left on the steering box (the first good thing the guy before me did, he ripped ever other dang thing out of the car). Once I have that stuff on I should be in shape to get it running. I'll post some video of a big block with nothing but headers rattling my garage to pieces.
So I got a text from that guy on craigslist and he said he had found a federal with brackets.. cool, so I had my buddy meet him to pick them up for me. Tried putting it on today and discovered it was a TRW pump. The bracket mounted up right but the pulley was no where near lining up with the crankshaft pulley. At least a half inch beyond the second groove and the second groove is already being used for the water pump and alternator. Any ideas on why the TRW won't work?
With all the birthday wishes I think my last post fell off the latest actions on the forum. Bumping it so someone may be able to assist me with my TRW pump questions as I haven't had much luck searching other sites for TRW stuff.
The first shot is the TRW pump (obviously), the second shows that the water pump pulley alternator and crankshaft pulley line up on the crankshaft pulleys outer groove... and the final picture, if you look in the upper part of the picture you can see the power steering pulley is at least half an inch past the water pump pulley. Any thoughts or is it just that the TRW is not going to work.