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What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
Replaced a wheel cylinder on passenger front. Discovered I need new tire rods. Good times. The passenger side rod is BAD. Moves about two inches back and forth. Got to get that fixed ASAP.
67 440 4 Door Coronet with a 318 polyblock.
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Classic...I had a simillar incident in my Mom's '62 galaxie when I was 5 or 6. Sitting in the driver's seat playing "vroom vroom" knocked it out of gear, started rolling down the street I steered it right and it stopped in the neigbors yard. Got real lucky, my 3 year old brother was with me!
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It's Tusday, March 12th, and I'm home alone.
No big deal but the wife is off bowling on one of the two ladies teams that I sponsor.
I think the local bowling lanes should have a draft, just like football, so that I, being the owner, could possably have at least one winning team.
What you say does that have to do with working on my Coronet.
Well, let me tell you.
Usually my son-in-law and grandson show up and we either play pool or we go out for chicken wings.
Of coarse I'm not very good at pool and I have the market covered for the best chicken
Any way, I take tuesday's nights off from the office to indulge in one or both of these activities.
Guess what, they didn't show up tonight. Not being one to waste a perfectly good night, I decided it would be prudent of me to install rear seat belts in my coronet. First off I couldn't get the rear seat out. Some idiot (me) had somehow put the bar that goes into the bracket behind the bracket. There is a rear hook on that bracket making it extremely difficult, if not almost impossable, to unhook. But with a few magic words and a threat to send, you know who, to the crusher, it suddenly unhooked.
Ok. Ready to install seat belts. But there are no provisions, bolts, to hook to. AHA, I thought that might be an issue so when I ordered the belts I allso ordered the bolts. And you thought this was my first cruise. lol
I find faded instructions on the hardware bags and after an hour with a magnifying glass I have them decoded enough to start.
Now let me make it very clear to any one who might be reading this, any hole drilled through the body of my coronet, even if I do it, is to be taken as the last thing you will ever do in this life if the hole is drilled in the wrong place!!!!!! So, hours pass, measurements are taken, rechecked, and marked.
I'm afraid I might drill through and hit a brake cable, gas line, rear axle, gas tank, shock, tire, hell, I might hit the steering column. lol
But stuborness and running out of time, forced me to continue. To my amazment, every thing went fine. Now all I had to do was put the bolts through the washers and bolt the belts in. Oh dam, these 12" (really 3") washers are not made to go just anywhere. Maybe this was my first cruise, I hadn't thought of that.
But after some carefull retrofitting, I had that problem solved. Now just bolt things together and I'll be done. Right!! My arms are a bit short, about 12' short, to be laying under the car and still be able to reach both ends of the bolts to tighten the nuts. I do have an Engineering degree, so I set about rigging up a brace system that would hold a wrench on one end and allow me to tighten the nuts. I could have designed a bridge over the Atlantic for the time it took me.
Finally, done!!! I carfully put the seat back in and start to clean up. Putting tools away, vacuming the carpets in the car, mopping up my sweat, and generally admiring my work.
Then it happened!!! I heard the door open to my shop and in walks my wife. No worse for ware from a night of rigerous compitition and no lack of trying to drown her sorrows for yet another loss. She just stands there. Finally, I break the silence and I tell her that I have installed the rear seat belts. Unsteadally, she leans over to peer in. It all ways amazes me how she can crush my whole world with just a few words. "Thats nice" she says. And adds, "That will make it nice for taking the grandkids"
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! Grandkids!!!!!!!! That means, ice cream, sodas, french fries, cotton candy, muddy shoes, bare feet, knives, guns, dogs, cats, lizards, turtles, salamanders and every other thing you can imagine!!!!!
After I recover from my Heart Attack, I'm going to take another night off from the office and remove [email=$#@%^&**&^%$]those $#@%^&**&^%$[/email] rear seat belts!!!!
I'll probably have the big one when I see those 16" diameter holes I drilled through the floor.
If you don't see another post from me, you can allways come visit me at the Loony Home for Inept Mopar Owners.
I'm not taking a back seat to any one!!!!
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Ahhh, Fran, maybe you should stick to building houses!!!

Great narration, and you don't have to send that poor car to the crusher. I'll take it off your hands...and I won't even charge you!!!

President, New England chapter of Coronetaholics anonomous.
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I knew I could count on you, Rich.
Do you want me to leave the rear seat belts in???
Just between you and me, I wouldn't really send the car to the crusher.
But I might park her next to one, just to keep her in line. LOL
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Nice one Fran,
The Idaho Andy
OL Blue is scared of Max
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Thanks, Andy
There is seldom a dull moment around here.
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Your not alone hang out over here for a day. If you dare lol
The Idaho Andy
OL Blue is scared of Max
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Are the selt belts lap belts or over the shoulder ones ...???
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The ones I installed were only lap belts.
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