Transmission is all fixed and working great now. Hit that button on the freeway and this 340 purrs along perfectly.9256] So it is back on the body work, redid a spot on the left front so now I need to check the fitment of the top of fender trim and signal lights.
Right front is stripped down to the bare metal now ready for primer.
That's Shorty, famous in these parts . Mike has tried numerous times to kidnap Shorty. I believe he hasn't been on here lately due to attempting to clone the little gal. Even Stein (70fullsize) tried to sneak her off to Norway when he came to visit.
I had a new Quick fuel 750 I thought I would try out on Jr. A buddy said it is too lean and plugs said so also so why not, it runs really good like before no huge difference actually but I haven't even set adjusters yet. I never like my rigged up kick down linkage I had on there before so I went Lokar cable style which fit well.
A track day would be fun to dial it in if we had one. 11021]11022]11023]