Full Version: roadworthy's '49 build thread
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I didn't beat the darkness home so the first pic was in the garage

[Image: 10945741_884369848260156_8132695752886793721_n.jpg]

but the sun was out today so I pulled her out for a few more pics

[Image: 10407977_885976381432836_3921215748808377218_n.jpg]

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Absolutely love that car! My first car was a hand me down 50 Plymouth 4 door.
I really like it also! It's great looking car!
Awesome job. It really came together.
I like how it looks, and this is just a quickie prime job to shoot some color on it! eventually the rest of the pieces will receive the full body treatment and someday get some gloss paint Smile
Sweet car , thanks for the pics. You guys did a nice job on that front end, it looks like NOS panels
looks great!!WOW
Awsome car Dave!! A little before my time but I think it's great!!
Neat car, Dave!!
Friggin Awesome!!! Looks 100% better!
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