Full Version: roadworthy's '49 build thread
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So at this point, the '49 hasn't run since last February when I took the front end apart for body and paint work. I had some gaskets to replace on the engine, so it's been in pieces. The engine is all back together now, and I wired it up to the battery. Poured a shot of gas in the carb and she fired right up like it had only been a week! Now I just need to get this last inner fender done and get the front clip back on so I can drive it again.
Nice to see this thread is still here! Great job roadWorthy!!! Keep up the good work!

Man, I need to apologize to you guys, I have not been been diligent in my updates! I have my front end all back together, been driving the car again, but only during the daytime as my headlights are not wired in yet. I'll get some pics up and post more details soon, hopefully this weekend.
popcornBanging Gearspopcorn.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:popcornBanging Gearspopcorn.

I had to cut out a sizable amount of rust on the inner fender where the battery box goes

[Image: 935354_563470437016767_1036560616_n.jpg]

[Image: 381815_563470490350095_2100595838_n.jpg]

patched in and getting smoothed out

[Image: 942874_563471940349950_484670447_n.jpg]
Nice work. I really can't wait to see it all done.
Keep the pics coming popcorn
Andy sure loves his popcorn...
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