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My buddy Mike still going strong for me, spraying the last inner fender and final piece for the front end

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starting the reassembly process

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Front end all back together for now, all inside pieces finish painted with base black and the outside in high quality primer. The headlight trim rings were pitted pretty bad so I decided to have them painted to give them a frenched in look. I like how it turned out and may end up not replacing them with chrome in the future. The rings are painted with the base black, and you can see the difference from the primer.

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WOW, that came out very nice. You really went to town on it.
nice! looks good!!!Banging Gears
Really nice
wWe are talking about the next step, whether to get the roof done next or start knocking out some doors... if it ends up being the roof, it will be sprayed in grey primer to emulate the two tone look I'm going for in the long run. Same goes for the doors though, black primer up to the belt line, then grey up top. Should look pretty good just primed up
Great job on the car, you do nice work - I like the look of the color coordinated headlite rings.
BTW - after seeing your neiborhood in the pics, I'd like to move there!
so I've been getting tired of having the '49 half-primed, so I convinced Mike that we should just do a quick color cover with some primer. here she is before another day in the shop

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so we sanded the rest of the car down, wiped it down, masked everything off and started spraying.

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masked off the bottom and 2-toned her!

[Image: 10405310_884369834926824_1075323547145156561_n.jpg]
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