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FRATZOG Wrote:Beautiful Coronet, Beautiful lady... Yes, I would say it isn't so bad. Actually it's terribly good, TBH.[Image: ok-wink.gif]

I agree
i`ve always liked these 2-

[Image: coronet001.jpg]

[Image: CORONET013.jpg]
65rbdodge Wrote:i`ve always liked these 2-

[Image: coronet001.jpg]

[Image: CORONET013.jpg]

I really love you car, just a great looking Coronet indeed! Cool



HAHA .. thanks .. not too bad for having a bad hair day, being hung over and the sun in my eyes. LOL - I entered that one for a tattoo contest.
65rbdodge Wrote:i`ve always liked these 2-

[Image: coronet001.jpg]

[Image: CORONET013.jpg]

I like the close up shot a lot.
i`ve always liked this one too-

[Image: 206.jpg]
Aaawwww, isn't she beautiful!!
JennFAFA Wrote:HAHA .. thanks .. not too bad for having a bad hair day, being hung over and the sun in my eyes. LOL - I entered that one for a tattoo contest.

In that case, please post one where you are having a good hair day, not hung over, and no sun in your eyes... I am sure it will knock us all out[Image: mini-wink-glasses.gif]
Sure do.

ws27 Wrote:That's going to be a nice looking silver Coronet when you are finished.

Do you have any pics of the restoration? Love to see em.
A friend has this sweet '66 A100 on e bay now. wish I had the extra cash these don't come available too often and it has the third pedal set up with a V 8 & three on the tree with an 8 3/4 rearend
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