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Heres a few newer favorites.

[Image: IMG_1711_zpsaeee69a5.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1719_zpsf33ec85a.jpg]
Glad to see you enjoying your car John, you have it set up real nice.
Nice location for pics too, if you could catch the sunny side of the car with more water in the background it would really pop. Suggestion
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Glad to see you enjoying your car John, you have it set up real nice.
Nice location for pics too, if you could catch the sunny side of the car with more water in the background it would really pop. Suggestion

Looks like that would require the poor car to go swimming. LOL
ws27 Wrote:Looks like that would require the poor car to go swimming. LOL
NO!!! I didnt mean that much water LOL
67r/t4speeder Wrote:NO!!! I didnt mean that much water LOL

No, but you can't move the sun or the water order to get the sun on the opposite side of the car with the water in the back ground, you'd have to cross the water to the other side.

That would be a job for Tank.
ws27 Wrote:No, but you can't move the sun or the water order to get the sun on the opposite side of the car with the water in the back ground, you'd have to cross the water to the other side.

That would be a job for Tank.

Or shoot at the opposite end of the day
I like this for many reasons..The lighting is awesome. But also take a look at how the tyres ended up! Smile Talk about lucky..

[Image: 9756163111_e5a9550977_b.jpg]
Very nice looking car ! If the wheels ended up on the same at the other side too , you should have bought a lottery ticket Smile
TekHousE Wrote:I like this for many reasons..The lighting is awesome. But also take a look at how the tyres ended up! Smile Talk about lucky..

[Image: 9756163111_e5a9550977_b.jpg]

Either that or you have a floor jack hidden in the trunk and was just satisfying you OCD!!! LOL J/K

Tek, I think any picture with your car in it would be a great one.
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