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1082This was shot before the car was mine last summer! I love this pic, my wife is a great photographer and Chante is amazing at pinup!
Neat in black and white!


This one isnt so bad ..

JennFAFA Wrote:This one isnt so bad ..


Jenn, EXCELLENT picture! Cool

My 1966 Coronet 500 in race trim and street trim.

[Image: 1966Coronet500atFirebirdInternationalRac...ngline.jpg]

[Image: My1966Coronet500-1.jpg]

My customized 1999 Ram 1500 Sport Quad cab. (LOT'S of "ghosted" art work that you can't see in pictures Rolleyes)

[Image: 1999DodgeRam1500SportQuadCab.jpg]

[Image: 1999Ram1500SportQuadCabin2005.jpg]

My son Rick's 1972 Dart Swinger. (both taken by Mr. Richard Truesdell working for Mopar Enthusiasts Magazine back in 2008)

[Image: RicksDart-Jan2008-RichardTruesdellphoto-1.jpg]

[Image: Ricks1972DartSwinger-RichardTruesdellpho...200848.jpg]
My 66' back when it was black. I'm in the process of a full restoration bringing it back to it's original AA-1 silver metallic.

Wow, Breathtaking..
SmartPatrol Wrote:My 66' back when it was black. I'm in the process of a full restoration bringing it back to it's original AA-1 silver metallic.


That's going to be a nice looking silver Coronet when you are finished.

Do you have any pics of the restoration? Love to see em.
JennFAFA Wrote:This one isnt so bad ..

Beautiful Coronet, Beautiful lady... Yes, I would say it isn't so bad. Actually it's terribly good, TBH.[Image: ok-wink.gif]
I wouldn't change a thing... that car looks amazing!638&d=1359416656[/IMG]
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