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Racer Brown Wrote:Oh, Oh, I see Mike's going to get in trouble with the law again!!!

Actually, the State Troopers had just left!!!
Where can I find a hood like that? Or is it a add on?
Dads66dream Wrote:Where can I find a hood like that? Or is it a add on?

Hi Dads66dream
The scoop is a bolt on that I got from kramer automotive specialties in 02 but now there kind
of pricey there are other companies making them now that are cheaper then them, { sledcity, aar fiberglass } and I think a couple others out there too. I also found this company that make them out of aluminum I called the number but there was no answer I'm going to keep trying to see if he's still making them
Here is one but it won't post full sized

so click pic if you want to see it bigger Smile
tallhair Wrote:Here is one but it won't post full sized

so click pic if you want to see it bigger Smile


Welcome aboard nice R/T
Big GrinI think this is my favorite (so far)
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Welcome aboard nice R/T

thanks r/t 4 speeder Smile
The rubber shot, The angle most viewed by other drivers
814my new favorite pic. taken late December 2012 in Wisconsin. days before the snow!!
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