Mark's 69 Wrote:Glad you can make it again Joe! As to a hotel, I'll leave that up to the others as they usually have the best leads. Amy and I have been staying at Carlson in Mechanicsburg about 15mins from Carlisle the past few years. On a side note, I just had a dream last night where I had a choice of riding to Carlisle with either Kevin or Tom as they were both going past wherever the hell I was.
Mark, that's the problem with Kevin and Tom. Either one will be going so fast they won't know thy even went past you LOL
When you register your car you will have access to the show field for you and one guest for the week end
You will be assigned to an area that will have cars the same as yours
When you first arrive you will have to check in and receive your goody bag
in it will be ballots for assigned areas that you will be the judge. Not your own.
You can come and go as you please but if you want to be judged you must have your car in it's designated area on Saturday
It's a great time. By all means enter your car and have fun
Don't forget to check in with us at the DCR tent
You can park any where you like, but if you want to be judged you have to have your car in it's assigned area on Saturday
On Friday and after the judging most of us do in deed park at the DCR tent.
Sunday they post the winners and if you won you can choose to be in the parade and receive your award in front of the Grand Stand