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Yea, it's a little bit in the future.. but what the heck..

Does that mean you are bringing something?

That is other than your pickup?
If the Mopar gods bestow me with great luck, I'll have something bright and shiny there..
cool! I`ll have my coronet there this year.

I might be leaving Wednesday after work to go there, if not then Thursday morning . last year I left Friday morning and I felt like I missed a lot. I have a better job now that will let me have time off. cant wait!!


Guess i should register my sweet ride.
I will look forward to all the people who will want to buy it and touch it. ;-)
hmm.. that goes along with my auto-corrected text earlier..
Hey Jenn
Put me first
Any suggestions for a hotel for Carlisle weekend ? I will be going this year!!
Glad you can make it again Joe! As to a hotel, I'll leave that up to the others as they usually have the best leads. Amy and I have been staying at Carlson in Mechanicsburg about 15mins from Carlisle the past few years. On a side note, I just had a dream last night where I had a choice of riding to Carlisle with either Kevin or Tom as they were both going past wherever the hell I was.
Hey Joe
i'm also looking for an affordable motel
I have stayed at the Motel Super 8 the last couple of years but I think Steve (Racer Brown) had a better one
May be he will fill us in on the motel he stayed at
Either way it will be great to see you and the gang again
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