I had to have my car towed home today... after punching it i was greeted with a cloud of smoke following me... was pouring transmission fluid out of the bell housing... whats the best way to drop the trans and what could be leaking like that? it ran out of fluid so it cant be minor lol
First off pull the tin inspection cover off transmission in front by oilpan and rotate converter looking for a drain plug it will in between one of the four flex plate bolts, see if that came loose or damage by chance.???? some converters do not have this drain.
it usually does not pour out when the front seal goes bad but it could be the front seal, i have changed many of them. it a common problem. a $5 part but trans needs to be pulled to replace it.
Some convertors also crack at the weld mating the 2 halves together. Is it a stock or aftermarket convertor?
Could it be overheating? The vent is located inside the bell housing, you may be going down the path of why it's puking out of the vent too. Just another thought.
I dont think its coming out the vent.. It leaked it all out... And in park running it even Pours..And its not moveable no fluid
And after it cooled off too and i started it it still was leaking
No im going to tomorrow.. Ive been workin haha

i will let you guys know my findings if i see anything that way
My neighbor is telling me i should take it to a shop because he doesnt have a transmission jack and its a pain anyhow..im really not wanting to do that though