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I'm wondering if it's possible that you snapped the lugs off the pump when you punched it? When you remove the pump bolts you should find two of the holes are threaded. You'll need to hook up a pair of slide hammers to pop the pump out. Automatics are complex animals but like one of my instructors said " it only goes together one way". You can get a copy of "Torqueflite A-727 Transmission Handbook" at Summit. That will let you know what you are getting into.
I concur, I bet something is going on in the pump.
Do you think i should buy a rebuilt pump off ebay? With new seals and such with it or should i wait?
I'd wait till you figure it out, no sense if buying anything you don't need.
To keep the guts inside the trans when you pull the pump just stand the trans up inside a garbage can. I'm not kidding.
You cant have it on the output shaft though
Yes you can, there is a snap ring in the extension housing that keeps the output shaft from being driven forward or rearward. The guts cannot be forced out of the transmission by merely pushing on the output shaft. I'm a Gold Certified Chrysler Technician, I have built a few transmissions. Look at the extension housing (tail shaft) there is a plate secured by two screws, under this plate is the output shaft bearing. It is held to the output shaft with 2 snap rings and a 3rd locks it to the extension housing.
If you need transmission parts, don't rule out the local transmission shop. They will sell parts over the counter at reasonable prices. you might even be surprised how cheap a "cash and carry" transmission is.
Sedanman67 Wrote:If you need transmission parts, don't rule out the local transmission shop. They will sell parts over the counter at reasonable prices. you might even be surprised how cheap a "cash and carry" transmission is.

Good point there, more than once I have needed a tranny part the local shop had what I needed and super cheap.
Personally, I would go for the cash and carry transmission that Sedanman67 suggested and use the old broken transmission as a core for the transmission shop which might actually make the cash and carry one even cheaper. I used to tackle transmission jobs myself but now at 56 years old it gets harder and harder to climb in and out from under the car and muscle that monster around. I can still do it but my body hurts way more the next day. Tranny shops have hoists and jacks that make the job so much easier's your transmission and your decision but whatever happens I sincerely hope you learn from the experience and mostly have a safe fun time. I know how the feeling of accomplishment is and I salute your decision to tackle this Herculean task alone. All the best!
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