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Yank the jack out from under the board and slide the board with the trans. out from under the car. Maybe you already figured that out.
Whats the safest way to do that? haha
One that doesn't knock a jackstand loose..

Avenger Wrote:Whats the safest way to do that? haha
Like a magician yanking a table cloth off a set table, LOL. Just kidding. It will be easy because you have gravity on your side. When you go to put it back in, that will be a different story...
Tonight is the night i start work on the do i keep all the guts from coming out if i take the pump tighten the front band all the way right? where are the band adjustment screws located on this bad boy lol and what is the protocol for adjusting the bands after im done..since i will have the pan off anyways..also whats a good gasket so i dont have to use rtv when i put it back together... and torque specs for everything.. lol Smile
Hows this torque converter hub look?

[Image: D540280D-9AC7-4B1E-81AE-E0C8AADDAF63-311...9e6415.jpg]

And its really hard to tell where its leaking lol
[Image: 776BACB0-02D0-4BCD-8846-023246D29A62-311...a1a8e6.jpg]
The scrape around the body bother me. I'm not too familiar with the inner wokings so I can't give you any pointers. The big question is that is there oil above the vent? Also it's a little too late, but do you remember if the converter spun freely after you unbolted it from the flex plate. And when you plug it back in can you get it to touch the pump bolts spinning it squarely?
It spun freely...i had to pry it off the splines with a screwdriver to get it off the trans though..
I see metal transfer on that converter, was there any metal in fluid ? Like aluminum bearing looking material?
I havent had the pan off yet... i figured it would be easier with it off the shiften fine and was quiet..the take off in first was a little slow but i think the band just needs adjusted..but nothing unusual i saw in all the fluid on the
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