OK, I know I lack big time in the brain department when it comes to computers, but the layout just changed for me here. Now each post has the ability to scroll up and down and left and right. Only problem for me is that most posts are now hidden and I have to manually scroll them down to read. PITA. I think I'm going to work on a carb or points or something I can relate to...
Don't you just love it when inanimate objects screw with you?
nothing has changed globally (as us techies say), may be a setting that was clicked somewhere? I'll browse around and try to find that setting
theman440 Wrote:Don't you just love it when you get to be intimate with inanimate objects?
Is there a way I can save a screen shot so you can see into my insanity?
screen shot it into a wod doc and email it to me
bescript aT hotmail.com
Piper Wrote:screen shot it into a wod doc and email it to me
bescript aT hotmail.com
That sounds nice, LOL, but I have no idea what you are talking about... let alone how to do it.
ws27 Wrote:That sounds nice, LOL, but I have no idea what you are talking about... let alone how to do it.
LOL Rich your not alone buddy LOL
Back under my rock I go
OK, I figured out how to take a screen shot, here it is (I hope)...
Can you see, huh, can you see?
What on earth did I do wrong?