Full Version: Is it just me?
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67440Dodge Wrote:They are about the same height!

Very true about the height similarity between me and Robin Mike, but you, I mean Robin, does NOT have the cool ZZ Top style beard that I have! Rofl

Cars are superior to computers. When was the last time a computer took u to a dr apt or to the store and when was the last time a computer that's 20 years old was worth 20,000 dollars. Last week I had to help a guy with an ITT tech sticker on his car put air in his tire. Couldn't figure out how to do it car had low pressure monitor lit up on dashboard
Do what I do when I have any tech computer/phone problems........ I give it to my 10 year old son or 15 year old daughter ... and presto ... problem
OK, another issue, not a really big deal, but I can't use the return button. So if I want to start a sentence on another line I can't. I just have to keep on rambling on the same line. OK, wait, maybe my computer really does know me too well. Anyone else having THIS problem?
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