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I took Max to a car show today and was impressed with how everyone spread out and dealt with it. Didn't want Max to get sick.
It took me twice as long to write this due to my phone updating and deciding what I shouldsay for me. Gotta hate technology
67r/t4speeder Wrote:I took Max to a car show today and was impressed with how everyone spread out and dealt with it. Didn't want Max to get sick.
It took me twice as long to write this due to my phone updating and deciding what I shouldsay for me. Gotta hate technology

Hello Andy,

Just one old mans unasked for opinion here, but going to any gathering at all no matter how "spread out" it might be these days is not happening. Was wearing a mask mandatory for everyone at the car show? Being one of the "high risk" persons I suppose that I've just become a bit paranoid about everything these days. :p

I hope that you and Max had a good time though.

67r/t4speeder Wrote:I took Max to a car show today and was impressed with how everyone spread out and dealt with it. Didn't want Max to get sick.
It took me twice as long to write this due to my phone updating and deciding what I shouldsay for me. Gotta hate technology

Driving back from PA it looked like the parking lot in Bangor where they hold their Sat night cruise night was getting some cars, and I passed 5 more headed that way. The local cruise night here started back up end of June. Looks like space between cars, must have exact change and face masks are required.
There is a lot of frowning going on these days Andy, you just see them behind all of the masks...........

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