And for any folk from Ontario, Canada that attend RetroFest in Chatham, it's been cancelled for this year.
Hopefully everything is back to normal for the Mopar show in July
Spring Fling cancelled too

With most states banning large gatherings of people (with 50 being considered large) I think lot of the car shows are going to get cancelled.
Here in NJ you can't even pull your car out of the garage because you'll violate the gathering amount of 0. You can't take it for a cruise either because of the ban on unnecessary driving. But driving it to a friend or family members house is acceptable.
Wow unnecessary driving, we don’t have that here YET. There is only one person in my county that has tested positive but one county south there are lots of cases, I’m guessing because route 80 comes in from NYC and NJ and many people have a second or third home there.
We export the good stuff to PA Jeff

65rbdodge Wrote:Wow unnecessary driving, we don’t have that here YET. There is only one person in my county that has tested positive but one county south there are lots of cases, I’m guessing because route 80 comes in from NYC and NJ and many people have a second or third home there.
Our Gov in New Jersey told the people from out of state NOT TO COME TO THEIR SHORE HOMES as our hospitals would not be able to handle the influx of people if they get the virus.
But they did not listen, they think they can get away from it but who knows how many may have it and bring it with them.
Speaking of unnecessary driving, my wife and I went for a ride to our local state park yesterday. It was 27 degrees so I figured there wouldn't be many people out. I couldn't believe what we were seeing! You would of thought it was the 4th of July weekend. Every parking area was packed. There were people on biking, fishing, running, walking. Needless to say we didn't stick around.