Full Version: Progress on my 67 Coronet R/T
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Callingdrlove01 Wrote:What you're not seeing is all the cussing, looking for the tool I just had in my hand, and throwing things. That's where most of my time is actually spent!

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt... Smile
When I got my car it looked like somebody had a fat girl sit on the roof. It had been smashed down at one time and pushed back up. It left some ugly creases in it and one good sized spot
(probably a couple feet long and a foot wide) that would pop right back down if you pushed it up. I watched a YouTube video about shrinking metal to eliminate oil canning. Basically, you
put an extendable rod on the bottom side and put a little pressure against it, heat the spot with a torch, then immediately work a water soaked rag over the area. I did this all around the
spot and sure enough it shrunk the metal quite a bit. The spot started staying up on it's own. Since it had been stretched pretty good I went over that whole half of the roof (so far) and
pressed on it. Any spot that moved easily got hit. Tightens it right up. In the video they were using a big torch and it only took a few seconds of heat. I only have this little camping
torch so it takes longer to get it hot, but it still works.
Question. On the radiator support was there any evidence (if it still exists) of blackout behind the grille. I don't remember ours having it. This is a highly debated subject!
67RTBlue Wrote:Question. On the radiator support was there any evidence (if it still exists) of blackout behind the grille. I don't remember ours having it. This is a highly debated subject!

I went out to look when I got home today and took some pictures. My car had been hit in the front at some point and had the hood and fenders replaced. They had red paint under the blue. The core support is original. It did take some damage when it was hit. Somebody had straightened it out and mig welded at the bottom where it had popped apart the factory spot welds. I assume this is when the car go the slightly darker blue that was on it when I bought it. The engine compartment and inside the trunk were not painted with the car so they were still factory paint. My core support does have black on the front side. I took a wire wheel to it and you can clearly see a layer of primer, blue, and topped in black. I would guess it came that way.

Hmmmmmm?? Such a trivial thing! Do you know where your car was built?
Awesome work. I give you a lot of credit for doing so much yourself. Please keep us updated.

All cars got flat black applied after color to the areas where you can see through the grill. If it's missing, it was most likely repainted due to an accident. Let's face it, these cars were driven hard and brakes were an after thought. A lot can happen in 49 years. Cars get smashed right out of the dealer.

The only difference I've found was that Los Angeles cars were also painted flat black in the front wheel wells. It also was applied with an airless gun to minimize over spray.
67RTBlue Wrote:Hmmmmmm?? Such a trivial thing! Do you know where your car was built?

This one was built in Los Angeles
Scored a rust free outer wheel housing for the drivers side.
New trunk floor from AMD. 8564]
New trunk floor came in two pieces. This front section is a little different than the factory part. There is an extra indention on each side and the part above it is smooth where the factory part is a little wavy from the stamping. Mine was good except for the low area and the flange where the trunk floor welds on so I decided to cut a patch out of it.
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