Full Version: Progress on my 67 Coronet R/T
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Undercoating was already falling off in a lot of places. Still pretty solid under it.
Replaced the lower part of the trunk extension. The aftermarket part wasn't very good so I didn't want to use the whole thing.
New footwell floorpan.8483]8484]
It was originally a floor shift automatic but I'm doing a 4 speed swap. Hump installed!
Trunk floor coming out.
Rear bumper brace area was pretty rusty. Frame is excellent but the flanges on this side were gone. Had to make new ones.
Nobody makes this extension piece so had to make my own.
Repairing the rear bumper brace area. Had to make the left half.
Dropped the rear end. Still had the Sure-Grip tag.
Wow, moving right along!
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