Full Version: Correct Jack instruction decal to Coronet 66..
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MrCoronet Wrote:Oki .. I think I will buy and test a black 3+1 mm stripe to my Coronet 66 -see how it looks
(Want to enhance the small coke bottle design on the rear fender...)

Thanks to all so far..... but keep writing!!


To be honest, I have never even seen a 1966 Coronet sales brochure, or any other pictures of a 1966 Coronet with that wider Black lower body "Sport Stripe", so even though my source book said that stripe was available for the 1966 Coronets, I'd hesitate to install that stripe on a 1966 Coronet.

I believe that I'd also recommend going with the thinner upper body line "Accent Stripe" also shown on the 1967 Coronet R/T sales brochure. Just enough to accent the cars beautiful upper body lines without taking your attention away from those beautiful body lines you know?

But Richard...I mean the upper stripe
3mm + 1mm to enhance the Coke line all the time..

/ / Anders
Since your car has the Black interior, Black convertible top and Black boot, then it would look best to go with the Black Accent Stripes. With that being said, the Black stripes against the light Yellow body color will have a much more noticeable color variance difference than the two tone Blue paint and stripes on 67RTBlue's car, so the thinner stripe shown on the 67 R/T sales brochure and the White Coronet may accent those upper body lines much more than you might think. Just my personnel opinion though.

On my 1966 Coronet 500, I used some Black stripes on my hood against my non factory bright Yellow exterior color to add some color accents to bring attention to the 1967 Super Stock style hood scoop. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your personal tastes, the 1966 and 1967 Coronets did not come optioned with lots of the later model years exterior performance accents, but other than adding the above mentioned 1967 Hemi Super Stock hood scoop and the hood accent stripes, I didn't add any other stripes, spoilers or other items and I'm very happy with that.

The moral of this story? It's your car, so do whatever you want to it that makes you happy!


[Image: My1966Coronet500-1.jpg~original]
jepp ....will add a picture later on to show you how it turned out.... (right now it's snowing over here = too cold = no striping yet....:-))
Btw....what's hiding under your big black scoop??
MrCoronet Wrote:Btw....what's hiding under your big black scoop??

Small Block Chevy Smile
It's a one of a kind small block Chevy that looks VERY similar to a Chrysler 440 big block! Rofl


[Image: My1966Coronet500-5-23-2013-1.jpg~original]

[Image: My1966Coronet500-5-23-2013-3.jpg~original]

[Image: My1966Coronet500-5-23-2013-5.jpg~original]
Aha...Surprise ....;-)
Looks good Richard - how many ponies estimated?
Aut or man?
Why a Chevy?
Thank you! It's actually a 1969 Dodge 440 HP short block with modified factory cast iron cylinder heads and lots of aftermarket parts throughout. It produces in the neighbourhood of 400 horsepower and the transmission is a highly modified 727 Torqueflite automatic with a full manual, reverse shift pattern valve body.

I apologize for the Chevy reference as that was just a joking response to Mike's (67440Dodge) post. Wink

I've owned this Coronet since 1989 and have done a lot of work to it over the years. If you'd like to see more information on my car, below is a DCR thread link to a write up I did on it a few years ago.

DCR thread link:

Hey.. you have done quite a lot on the old fart.....;-)

And.. you had the Front and rear bumper guards....and now removed....
Quite an option list ...:-)

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