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That's quite a picture, Andy
I can't tell if that's a sun rise or sun set, either way I wouldn't mind being there!!!
ws27 Wrote:And it's still on the pole? LOL

I was thinking the same thing!

And thanks Richard!

A beauty
70rtvert Wrote:That's quite a picture, Andy
I can't tell if that's a sun rise or sun set, either way I wouldn't mind being there!!!
Sunrise Fran, just outside front door of shop

Come on over Smile
Andy, if Fran comes by the shop, you guys will HAVE to do wings!

Zoran, a fantastic setting for the shots of your beautiful Coronet! Just wondering though, what's it like driving on that surface?

70rtvert Wrote:That's quite a picture, Andy
I can't tell if that's a sun rise or sun set, either way I wouldn't mind being there!!!
Richard told me to tell you to bring wings or I supply em you cook em OK
Maybe Fran could drop a few of those fantastic wings out of the airplane window on his way over Phoenix? Please? Wink

Not nearly as nice as your and Zorans outdoor shots Andy, but here are a few shots that I took outside my home here in Phoenix last year with my Cannon PowerShot SX40 digital camera.


[Image: PhoenixSunrise-10-24-2013.jpg~original]

[Image: SunriseinPhoenixAZ1-9-27-2013.jpg~original]

[Image: Sunrise-7-19-20122.jpg~original]
Well the clouds in the second one are epic! Nice shots mate!
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Sunrise Fran, just outside front door of shop

Come on over Smile

I would really like to stop over Andy. may be someday, I've never been to California.
Richard, I have been to Phoenix. A few years ago we landed in Phoenix on our way to Yuma. We spent a week with a client there over Valentine Day
As for wings, of course I'd cook some up for any one who showed up at your shop Andy
And Richard, I have a better idea than droping the wings out of the airplane, I'm planning on making it to Carlisle this year, if you could make it you could have as many wings as you desire.
That goes for any one else who shows up at the DCR tent in Carlisle
I'll see you there!!!
The snow pictures are from last year, we have not gotten any snow yet.
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