10-04-13, 07:33 PM
Is anybody interested in a set of four, new in June (Father's Day) Cragar S/S 61 Chrome Wheels
(14x7"/5x4.5") Part #61714? I received them for my 1966 Dodge Coronet and had them mounted. They do not fit properly. I needed part #61614. Unable to return them, so I am moderately screwed unless I can find somebody who wants them.
Is anybody interested in a set of four, new in June (Father's Day) Cragar S/S 61 Chrome Wheels
(14x7"/5x4.5") Part #61714? I received them for my 1966 Dodge Coronet and had them mounted. They do not fit properly. I needed part #61614. Unable to return them, so I am moderately screwed unless I can find somebody who wants them.