I have a room booked.
I'll probably show up just to irritate all of you. lol
Changes this year for me- I'll be driving the RR and I will not be cooking wings.
Kind of makes you think, why is he coming at all?
Well the simple truth, I miss seeing you guys and gals!!
I hope the feeling is mutual?? lol
Hi Mark
Yes I did mention the Syracuse show. I was talking to a friend and he advised me that I should probably attend the show without my car first to see what I'm.getting myself into.
6000-7000 cars are expected. And the ones that take the most awards are inside and they pay a premeum to be there. Besides he said most of the cars that win are modified.
It seems to me I'd rather hang with the DCR group (if they will accept me lol.) than go through the hastle at Syracuse.
I look forward to seeing all of you.
I couldn't agree more, Piper
The DCR has the best members and I enjoy see all that stop at the tent.
I won't be cooking wings this year. It's just that I should not be messing around with scalding hot oil.
A select few know why.
See you soon