Here are some pics of the car, though it doesn't looks that good. Will get better pictures for next time and keep you guys posted on anything I work on this car.
I got some more in my Profile if you guys want to check it out. I even got the pic with the original Vehicle Certicard that came back then (but no sheet inside).
Here's a few ideas for new colors, with or without the White top you have now.
Ok, not an original 1966 factory color, but I just love it for some reason!
A two door, but it would look just as nice on a four door. Just a fantastic looking car all around in my humble opinion.
This is obviously a 67 2 door, but this is a fantastic color for any 66 or 67 Coronet and I came VERY close to painting my 1966 Coronet 500 this color back in 1990.
And speaking of the "Black & White" color scheme.
For some unknown reason, nobody seems to take me seriously............