I haven't bought gas since last September. All I run is diesel.
Thanks Andy for those tips. I can add a little since I kind of move fuel too. A gallon is defined at about 60 degrees F. I don't know what the ground temp in Calif is, but here is Mass, once you go down about 10 feet it's 55 most all year. I bet that's way different in differing places. For heating oil and diesel it changes about 1% for every 20 degree change. I bet gas is similar.
For me I can't leave my truck outside full on a cold night, I can lose as much as 100 gallons. Not chump change. It comes out of the ground at 45 degrees F. Now if I could only figure out how to heat it... he-he-he.
President, New England chapter of Coronetaholics anonomous.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Wait tell tyrra chimes in on what they pay, I wont feel so bad. Or Stein, hey Stein were you at?
Thanks for the tips Andy . I think I can need these with our high gas prices . Now is the price with all taxes 8,60 dollar/gallon here in Sweden and Stein from Norway must pay even more for the gas.
Here in southern Norway the gas price is usually $2.56 PER LITER! (equals $9,73 pr. gal) A little cheaper during the weekend's do to some kind of "gas price war" between the gas stations / brands, so right now it's "only" $2.25 PER LITER ($8.55 pr. gal). I'm really looking forward to this years trip to CA/NV and to be able to fill "cheap" US gasoline...... In the northern part of Norway the gas prices might be abow $10 pr. gal!!
Not only are the tips appreciated, the reason's behind them are make sense! It certainly explains why cars seem to get better mileage on the FIRST half of a tank vs. the second.