The car has quite a bit of what I'm going to call coastal rust. The underside is almost perfect, no road salt rust, but the tops of a lot of panels are rotted through. I think it will need fenders, hood and maybe even a roof. We'll see. I can get more pictures when I actually take possession of it. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a one of one car, that's why I'm so interested in it.
4264door Wrote:Cool find! You going to restore it?
With all the other cars Rich is going to "restore", by the time this one gets done he'll be in the rocking chair going "it's a 1 of uh oh, I just went number 2. NURSE!!"
I love Mopars so much I'm date coding the skid marks in my underwear.
67440Dodge Wrote:With all the other cars Rich is going to "restore", by the time this one gets done he'll be in the rocking chair going "it's a 1 of uh oh, I just went number 2. NURSE!!"
For some unknown reason, nobody seems to take me seriously............