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Have you ever noticed when you take your beloved Coronet out instead of your daily driver to the auto parts store it takes 45 minutes longer to get out of the lot because everybody asks........What year is that car? Never seen one of those before....etc...

Gotta love it!!!
Yes and I do love it too.

A Dodge what? R/T what's that stand for?

Do those scoops pop up?

Bet you hate filling that one up all the time

At the pump 99% of the time... Folks just gather to look and ask questions while I fuel up.. Then............The beast comes alive and jaws drop.
My (fill in the blank) owned a (fill in the blank) back in the (fill in the blank)..........yep. ya gotta love it when you take your older Mopar car or truck out! Big Grin

WOW! I had one just like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or Mr. know-it-all looks through the windshield for the VIN and says "hey why dont you have a VIN, I was going to see if it was a Hemi car or not?"
my brother's cousin's sisters aunt's mom had one just like this.. Only it had a Hemi Six Pack in it!!
Don't you mean a 440 HEMI? I know, same difference and boy oh boy have I heard about the infamous super rare quasi-legendary 440 HEMI! One guy told me once I didn't know what I was talking about so I told him he get the picture. But, yes, rolling into a crowded parking lot with a Coronet elicits varying responses and most are good, some entertaining and others...well just opinions.
When they start trying to tell me how much I don't know about my car, I just start the yup, yup, ah ha, yup, thanks for the info, bye now.
Yea, I have had the 440 Hemi before
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