Full Version: Need advice. Totally bummed out and frustrated right now
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So I decided to take the net to a paint and body shop that just opened up a few months ago and get an idea of what I need to get saved up to get it painted. So apparently they said they were not equipped to do the work, that they were a spray and go shop?

I was hopping to spend 1000 to 1500 right now. Nothing special nothing fancy. I just want to get it sprayed so the salt air doesn't destroy the body. Right now I have one small rust spot on the back wheel to get repaired. The rest is in great shape and just surface rust.

They told me that to get someone to do it im looking at a starting price of 4 to 5k? And that whoever did it would have the car for 3 months or more?

Im so bummed right now. I make decent money but no way I can afford 5k+ on a paint job. I really fear the car is going to rust away on me and be a total waste.

Can anyone advise me on this? Are they way off base? Should I expect to be able to find someone to do the work for 1 to 2k? Like I said, not looking for anything fancy right now. Just want to get it covered so it doesn't rust away on me. If anyone has any advise or cant point me in a good direction I would greatly appreciate it. Obviously im not someone who knows a ton about cars but am learning fast. Just so frustrated right now.
Best advice I can give ya is for what you're looking for a paint job that won't look half bad, and is within your price range, look at Maaco.

No joke.. mine is a "whatever blue was in the can" Maaco job. I even found the mirror tag for them when I tore cleaned the trunk out. It won't any awards, but after 10yrs it's still got a decent shine to it.
I agree with Mike on this one. Getting a car painted is very hard. Most body guys don't want to touch an old car for many reasons. They think you'll be too picky, evern if you tell them no. They make more money on insurance jobs. And they know the car will sit there for ever.

If you are really worried about it, try painting it yourself. You'd be surprised at what you can do. I've seen cars painted with a brush and with a roller too. If you use the right paint it won't look that bad and you can save your money for the real paint job.

It might seem crazy, but try painting an old fender laying around.
My dad has an old 73 Charger SE and had a similar situation. the car had sat in the sun for years, it was faded and thin. He just needed to get it covered to protect it (so when i finally get my inheritance it will be in decent shape Wink)
anyway - he went to Maaco. They did a great job - it was affordable and the car looks pretty decent.

Alternatively, you could go the route I did with my Net. I wasted a year sanding and doing bad body work trying to save a few bucks. I took it to the shop in November and they redid EVERYTHING I had done. The will finally paint it in a few weeks but its cost thousands of dollars and has taken months! Yes, it should look great as they really are doing a nice job, but if you just want to cover it - go to Maaco. I think you will be happy with the results.
Thanks for the info guys!!!! Now I feel better.

Did a review of Maaco and really just have one complaint I read that concerns me. It has to do with OVERSPRAY. Is this a concern? I mean my net has a LOT of chrome on it. If the chrome gets paint on it, is it ruined? Or can I get it off easily? Also my net has all of the lettering decals still on it from the front hood with the DODGE letters, the V8 letters on the side, and the CORONET 440 lettering on the side. Will they remove this before painting it? If they break the lettering will they replace it for me? I recon I could remove these myself, but im worried I might brake them, would rather a professional do it right.

The closest Maaco we have here is in Hattisburg MS. Tried looking up reviews for it but not having much luck.
My Mustang was a Macco job..$600 scruff and shoot

take as much trim you dont want overspray on and reinstall when the paint is dry and buffed
Even a regular bodyshop will have issues with masking and overspray with trim on the car. As to whether they will remove the trim or not is a unknown, most of the times Maaco doesn't (it takes them too long, and time is money). Best bet is to remove as much as you can, especially the lettering on the hood and quarters.

As for what Rich said, Hot Rod has had a couple of good articles on painting your own car the past few months. Couple months ago it was shooting flat black Rustoleum on a truck, and that came out really decent looking. Last one was getting your friends together, building your own spray booth, and shooting the car.
OK good to know. I will try and remove as much of the trim as I can before taking it in. I don't think I would feel comfortable doing anything myself. Plus that rust spot needs to be repaired.

Really want to tell you guys thanks. I really appreciate everyone's advice and taking the time to offer me help.
0000 steel wool will take off any overspray on chrome without scratching it.
My 72 sat at a body shop for 9 months, they never even touched it!
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