Full Version: Let’s see some random cool Mopar pics
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That you as a youngin? Didn't know they had cameras back in those days..
Couple hours old..

Nice one Mike
Awesome!! The coolest part of that car I remember was the phone, (I thought my Tonka truck was awesome when that show was on). I remember back then you could always tell which auto manufacturer supplied cars to the show because that brand was shown the most. For Adam-12 it was Plymouth, then AMC. Brady Bunch was Chrysler then GM (or other way). For the first Bond movie the studio asked Aston Martin for a couple cars to use, the company said "Buy them". When they filmed the next one, Aston Martin gave them as many as they wanted.

And while Plymouth didn't supply any cars for the show Nash Bridges, the show did give Don Johnson a Hemi Cuda 'vert for his personal car. Supposedly his statement of he wouldn't sell it for a million dollars is what caused prices of them to skyrocket at the auctions. (Plus, one of the Barrett-Jackson owners inflating the sale price of his to $4M didn't hurt either)
Beverly Hillbillys always seem to have Mopars too. The Banker and his assistant Jane Hathaway not sure his name drove verts.
And Cannon always drove Lincolns with a carphone too.
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