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Hmm.. seen that plate somewhere else too.. 

What movie it from?

And for extra bonus points... what was it in reference to?

Lost me with that question Mike.
Fill me in ?
(04-05-24, 09:58 PM)67r/t4speeder Wrote: [ -> ]Lost me with that question Mike.
Fill me in ?

American Graffiti was the movie...  the movie that made George Lucas famous as a director..

the plate refers to his first movie THX 1138.

Coolest part of some movies was the sound they played to show it had been recorded in Dolby THX. 

Worthless trivia of the day is over... resume normal shrubbery
(04-06-24, 09:40 AM)67440Dodge Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-05-24, 09:58 PM)67r/t4speeder Wrote: [ -> ]Lost me with that question Mike.
Fill me in ?

American Graffiti was the movie...  the movie that made George Lucas famous as a director..

the plate refers to his first movie THX 1138.

Coolest part of some movies was the sound they played to show it had been recorded in Dolby THX. 

Worthless trivia of the day is over... resume normal shrubbery


[Image: 1970-dodge-coronet-mecum-main.jpg]

[Image: 1953-dodge-coronet-mecum.jpg]1st Gen
Li'l Red is just a tad faster than someone thinks, California Motor Vehicles even agrees....

Hey!! I can see that license plate Pal!!
Dan's car. ex Hot Rod magazine test car. Another super nice guy from New Jersey.

[Image: 1967-dodge-coronet-rt-profile.jpg?w=768&...ormat=webp]
There is a black one that runs around central Jersey that is owned by the original owner that was used as a test car as well for other mags back in the day, he's a good guy. He invented the Shift-R-Gate back in the day. Think he sold the rights to one of the transmission companies..
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