Full Version: Power Brakes VS. Manual
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honcho Wrote:Hey Avenger,when going to dual line MC,the big pod goes to the front brakes and be sure to curl the lines

I have always wondered, what does curling the lines do exactly? Confused
It gives the hard line some flex area
Also, the bigger pot denotes it's a disc brake MC. (larger area for the fluid to react against means it needs a bigger reservoir)
The rear line is still stuck...soaking the heck out of it with PB...hoping for the best in a day or two...also all the fittings are rounded so vice grips or channel locks to get it out. Sad Its also difficult to get at because its between the frame rail and the torsion bar Sad
Your best bet is to either replace the lines with new, or make them. Making them is one of the easiest things you could do once you learn how. All you need is some 3/16 line and nuts. A lot of time you can reuse the origional nuts unless rounded off. The special size nuts can be had as well.

good luck.
Yeah my neighbor said (he own an autoparts store in town) he has been helping me and that we could put a new one in and put a new T for the lines and such...i may have to go that route. ill try to pull it off again tonight after its been soaking in pb all today and last night..hope for the best...luckily lines are cheap lol
What Rich said, keep your old lines for a pattern, that's what I did.
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