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I've decided to challenge myself to see if I can get my 1967 Coronet put back together, in a presentable way for the next car show season.

This is my first car, and I've owned it since 1990. I drove it to school, work.. the weekend street races, everywhere. It was a blast to drive. I took it off the road in about 1997 to build it into "a super car" got in the way however I managed to drag it with me everywhere I went.

So the plans are to try to get it ready for Ocean City Maryland in late May and put in back to similar configuration when it was on the road. So the intended build will be a stockish 440 with 3.23 gears.

Ill post some pictures, hope to get some direction and even motivation from the crew here...

Here is what she looks like today

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=11710&d=1542076641]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=11709&d=1542076624]
Here is my biggest concern my ex hit the scallop back in 1992 with her SuperBee, its sort of distorted and not sure it can be smoothed out.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=11711&d=1542076902]
The car is pretty solid, I did put subframes on it (and Wow you can jack up any part of the car and both sometime 3 wheels will come off the ground. Also put in a 26 radiator support a few years back. I have super solid fenders and hood as well.
I see a clock!
theman440 Wrote:I see a clock!

It will be a bonus if I can get it working!
You put Christmas lights up already?
That was a dad joke, quite literally when I moved in the new place in June
Glad to see you getting it back on the road.

That dent really doesn't look that bad, the metal will go back where it belongs with the right hammering.

That grill looks nice.
I forget what we paid to have my Dad's converted to modern electronics. It holds the time for months though!
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