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Wow that’s quite a bit of work to get done in a short time. You better get to work
Scored a 3.23 suregrip in a 489

Got the green stripes in the mail once i get that in ill be able to roll it around again
That's what I have in mine. The engine is nice and comfy at 65-70 on the freeway but I'm debating the merits of a 3:55 swap.
Mark's 69 Wrote:That's what I have in mine. The engine is nice and comfy at 65-70 on the freeway but I'm debating the merits of a 3:55 swap.
Too comfy?
If this work I attached a video of last summer on the highway with 3.55-speedo and tach are accurate as well.
I really like the 323’s with the 833 OD in my desoto. It’s a great cruising ratio
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Too comfy?
Wanting to get into the 13's. Smile
I'm also running 26.5" tall tires so right now I can cruise 70mph at 2500rpm.
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