Full Version: Old question with a twist
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Well seems that all the threads that I can find about wheel/tire size are mostly focused in the rear end. Now, I know that a I can fit a 275/60R15 in a 8'' wide wheel IF it is at least 4.5 in backspace.

But! what about the front end? I have a couple of 245/60R15 Cooper Cobra's and I'm wondering IF this could fit.

BTW, I just can't test by installing them because I haven't get a set of wheels.
What ride have you got?
I use to run B.F.G. Radial T/A's in the P235-60R-15 size on the front and rear of my 1966 Coronet 500 which is the same basic car as your 67 Coronet 440 and I had no issues with them on 15 x 7 American Racing Champ 500 wheels on the front and rear as shown below in some older pictures of my car during and after I restored the car back in the early 1990's. That combination was as wide as I felt comfortable with on my car on the front and rear with those Champ 500 wheels, but you might be able to run those slightly wider P245-60R-15's on your car if you're extremely careful with the back spacing on whatever wheels you end up purchasing.


[Image: 1966Coronet500-paintandbodywork--4.jpg]

[Image: 1966Coronet500-afterrestorationi-1.jpg]

[Image: 1966Coronet500atPRPin1993-instaginglanes.jpg]

[Image: 1966Coronet500atPRPin1993-leavingstartin...arview.jpg]