Full Version: sway bars bracket bolts?
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Does anyone know where I can get some new sway bar bracket bolts for 69 b-body coronet? Can't find them.
Try jims auto parts . Not sure which bolt you need, bracket bolt at k member?
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Try jims auto parts . Not sure which bolt you need, bracket bolt at k member?

Yes the bracket to the K member.
Aren't they just a simple 5/16 bolt?
I put grade 9 aircraft bolts in mine since I pop wheelies all the time.
Grade 9? You'll rip them off the k frame before they break?Rofl
ws27 Wrote:Grade 9? You'll rip them off the k frame before they break?Rofl

Ooops over engineered again?
Ok, thanks guys. I'll get to my local store. Changing out my aftermarket sway bar with a factory restored one from Tony's parts. My aftermarket one was causing to many issues. I'll be glad to get rid of it!
Just in case people want the correct bolts RT specialties has them.
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