Full Version: Coronet sail panel chrome help needed
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I'm in need of some help with mounting position of the sail panel chrome. I repaired some rust and now I can't find the template I made before I cut out the rust. So if someone could post a couple of pictures of the position of the sail panel chrome mounting holes with a measuring tape for reference. And also the chrome as it is mounted so I can see it in relation to the drip rail. Thanks in advance for your help.
The 1966 and 1967 Coronet 2 door hardtops all use the same exterior sail panel chrome trim and that trim is being reproduced if your original trim is missing or too badly damaged to reuse. As far as the exterior trim seals and mounting nuts, all 1966 and 1967 2 door sedans, 4 door sedans and 2 door hardtop models equipped with this sail panel trim use the same parts, so that gives you a wide selection of used Coronets to find these parts if you don't have them. I've posted all of the trim, seal and nut part numbers and applications at the bottom of this post for you.

Below are some pictures of the reproduction trim as well as pictures of my 1966 Coronet 500 while it was being repainted back in 1990 that show the two mounting holes for this trim as well as my cars original trim wher it belongs. I don't have exact measurements on where those two trim mounting holes are located on both sides of the roof, but if you have the chrome trim you can measure the distance between the two mounting pin studs and figure it out.

If you're missing the original chrome trim please let me know and I can give you some sources on where to purchase it.


[Image: 116-66.jpg]

[Image: My%201966%20Coronet%20500%20-%20during%2...g~original]

[Image: My%201966%20Coronet%20500%20-%20during%2...g~original]

[Image: 1966Coronet500-rooftoquarterpaneltrim1-s...g~original]

[Image: 1966Coronet500-rooftoquarterpaneltrim2-r...g~original]

[Image: 1966Coronet500-rooftoquarterpaneltrim4-r...g~original]

Let me also give you all of the factory part numbers and descriptions for this trim from my 1966 and 1967 Factory Parts Books.

1966 Factory Parts Book Section number 23-23-42 (also shown on the 1966 Coronet Exterior view illustrations for each model)
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-23-42 (also shown on the 1967 Coronet Exterior view illustrations for each model)
Part number: 2584 688 (passenger side) (for all 1966 and 1967 applications listed below)
Part number: 2584 689 (drivers side) (for all 1966 and 1967 applications listed below)
Part description: moulding package, roof side belt
Number used per car: 1 of each part number used per car
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 2 door hardtop

Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 500 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T 2 door hardtop


1966 Factory Parts Book Section number 23-23-42 (also shown on the 1966 Coronet Exterior view illustrations for each model)
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-23-42 (also shown on the 1967 Coronet Exterior view illustrations for each model)
Part number: 6024 735 (passenger and drivers side) (for all 1966 and 1967 applications listed below)
Part description: seal, moulding, roof side belt
Number used per car: 4 used per car
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 2 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 4 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 4 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 4 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 2 door hardtop

Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 2 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 4 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 4 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 500 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 500 4 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T 2 door hardtop


1966 Factory Parts Book Section number 23-23-42 (also shown on the 1966 Coronet Exterior view illustrations for each model)
1967 Factory Parts Book section number: 23-23-42 (also shown on the 1967 Coronet Exterior view illustrations for each model)
Part number: 9411 618 (passenger and drivers side) (for all 1966 and 1967 applications listed below)
Part description: nut, moulding, roof side belt
Number used per car: 4 used per car
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 2 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 4 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 4 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 4 door sedan
Applications: 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 2 door hardtop

Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 2 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet Deluxe 4 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 4 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 500 2 door hardtop
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet 500 4 door sedan
Applications: 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T 2 door hardtop
Thanks Richard, those pictures are going to help a lot. I did find a good set that are much better than what I had. From those pics I can figure out where to drill the holes for the pins. Much appreciated, Ken
You're very welcome Ken. If you would have ask this question back in 1990 I could have given you the exact mounting hole measurements as well! Rofl Also remember to measure the hole locations two hundred times and drill the holes once! Wink
