Hi there all
This time - no question....;-)
Just got some spring feeling, taking my Coronet out for a small run....Picture taken 3,15 PM today, the sun was almost breaking thru the clouds
53 Fahrenheit outside.... it's getting better ;-)
The car creating a nice contrast against the old red house in the background. Still waits for the three to pop and the grass to start growing..
Like the stance of the car right now...but hmm looks like I must check out the exhaust a little....:-)
Have a nice day everybody
first day of spring here but my car is still in hibernation over here
R/T XTC Wrote:first day of spring here but my car is still in hibernation over here
Nice Lincoln!
R/T XTC Wrote:first day of spring here but my car is still in hibernation over here
That is a wild looking lift, single post? VERY nice Lincoln
Your car looks like it's levitating.
We have snow on the way, the weather guessers said 4-6, no wait 12-14, ahh 6-10, no, no 12-14, yea thats it, wait 1-3 but maybe nothing, OK, 6-8, we think.
I wish I had a well paying job where I guarantee nothing too...
What a goreous car. Shame she isn't running topless!!!! drunk
weather here could go either way, if the storm tracks north, we get a dumper, if it tracks south we get rain. the Lincoln is my dads and she is a beauty, probably rarer and worth more than an R/T convert if that is possible. we bought the stacker a few years ago for winter storage to get two cars in one spot and it has already paid for itself and yes it is a single post rated for 6ooo pounds
Look at that Hot R/T peaking out just waiting for right moment I am not

The right moment is a nice day which is far too scarce around here.......... the R/T only goes out on nice days, which is why it is still in such nice shape. I drove it in the snow a couple of times which was quite a trip with the 4:10 dana and 4 speed, to be honest I don't even like driving it in the rain, Put it in the ditch once and needed to be winched out getting on the freeway the back end came around last thing I remember was looking up at one of those big two post highway signs hoping I wasn"t going to knock it down
R/T XTC Wrote:The right moment is a nice day which is far too scarce around here.......... the R/T only goes out on nice days, which is why it is still in such nice shape. I drove it in the snow a couple of times which was quite a trip with the 4:10 dana and 4 speed, to be honest I don't even like driving it in the rain, Put it in the ditch once and needed to be winched out getting on the freeway the back end came around last thing I remember was looking up at one of those big two post highway signs hoping I wasn"t going to knock it down
Don't talk to me about scarce....Come live in Finland..and you know the true horror of winter and being unable to drive Mopars!