TekHousE Wrote:Don't talk to me about scarce....Come live in Finland..and you know the true horror of winter and being unable to drive Mopars!
I know what its like .....Want to trade places ??? im up here in Northern Alberta Canada ...lol... The good thing is that it never dark here in the summertime but Its tough going to bed with the sun shining on you ....lol
Never dark , that must take some getting use to
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Never dark , that must take some getting use to
sure does .. sun goes down at around 11-1145 pm in the summer then starts coming back up at 4-430am. its twilight between those times ... The problem is wintertime here. sun goes down at 230-330pm and doesn't come back up until around 930-10 am ...
4404spd Wrote:I know what its like .....Want to trade places ??? im up here in Northern Alberta Canada ...lol... The good thing is that it never dark here in the summertime but Its tough going to bed with the sun shining on you ....lol
Ahh, I see we both live in the icy cold!
I am not sure exactly where you are in Northern Alberta but just for fun I did a map marker for both of us..Mine is exactly correct for where I am in Finland.