Getting my ducks in a row. Registered for the show under Coronet Registry club, reserved a room, and made a donation for the site and tent. Now I just have to wait to make an upgrade to the Coronet and all will be right with the world.

what upgrade?
i haven't registered the car yet .. booked hotel though
JennFAFA Wrote:what upgrade?
i haven't registered the car yet .. booked hotel though
You know me, I can't stop tinkering with it. I'll reveal it when the parts come in.

Quick question, I've been to the event but never with a car.
Carlise events show the gates open on Thursday morning but the show is from Friday - Sunday. If you're taking your car do you have to have it there on Thursday or can you show up Friday morning?
Billb66 Wrote:Quick question, I've been to the event but never with a car.
Carlise events show the gates open on Thursday morning but the show is from Friday - Sunday. If you're taking your car do you have to have it there on Thursday or can you show up Friday morning?
you can show up Friday, heck we unload Weds and are back and forth from the hotel to the show the entire time.
Weds-Thursday is the unofficial show
cant wait to see your car, last time I saw it was 5 years ago
Hey Billb66
The gates open on Thursday mainly for the cars that didn't pre register but you can register Friday as well. It's usually very busy so I suggest that you register on line and you receive a discount if it's before, I can't remember the exact date, a certain date in June.
Friday is basically find your spot and show off your car. Saturday is the day of judgment. In your welcome packet you will have a ballet sheet telling you which group of cars you are to judge. Sunday morning you can see the results.
If your car placed you can parade up to the grand stand, and get your trophy and picture taken
May be you already know this stuff. If so just carry on. lol
You can drive in and out of the show at any time. However I would recommend getting there early, if you get there late it's like driving through Mumbai.
I hope to to have my desoto there this year. My list of things to do on it is extremely short. The biggest hurdle is in the hands of pen dot, waiting for the antique registration to come back. I'm sure I'll have some bugs to work out once it's on the road, hopefully nothing major.
Thanks for the info I didn't know any of this stuff.
Piper, I keep thinking I'm going to swing by your place with it but haven't yet. Being 6 miles away from you I think I could just make it there and home. 1/2 tank of gas to get there and then 1/2 to get home.

Here's another dumb question.
Do you leave your car on the field overnight or take it back and forth every day?
Seems like back and forth would be a pain but leaving your car out doesn't sound like a good idea.
Billb66 Wrote:Here's another dumb question.
Do you leave your car on the field overnight or take it back and forth every day?
Seems like back and forth would be a pain but leaving your car out doesn't sound like a good idea.
I have always taken my car out with me but I believe you can leave them on the show field if you want.
There is Security.
Back and forth isn't so bad. After all you did plan on driving through town? Watch the speed limits and what ever you do, don't lay any rubber!!!!