Full Version: Fuel tank to fuel line rubber hose picture
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I would like to see this on a car with the proper layout. Put in the gas tank and filler/vent yesterday. Where the main line stops and where the nipple is in the tank looks weird. I might have to tweak the main line but still seems too far away for the short ground strap and rubber hose that was in the Year One kit I bought. A picture of a stock layout would be great!
Can you get a pic?
Now you're talking about the main fillup and the vent tube? I'm going out to the garage later, I can take a pic of mine.
Yes main line to tank connection. The short section of rubber hose that joins them and maybe the routing of the hard line up to the tank.
Here are some older pictures of my 1966 Coronet 500 2 door hardtop before I replaced these rubber elbow hoses a couple of years ago and they are the same as those used on your 1967 Coronet.


Main Fuel Filler Tube To Fuel Tank:

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankfillertubeandfillertu...g~original]

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankandrelatedparts.jpg~original]

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankandfillertubehose1-1.jpg~original]

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankfillertubeintofueltan...g~original]

Fuel Tank Vent Tube:

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankfillertubeandfillertu...g~original]

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankfillertubeandfillertu...g~original]

[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankfillertubeandfillertu...g~original]

Picture Of The 1966 & 1967 Coronet Fuel Tank Showing Main Fuel Filler Tube & Vent Tube Inlet Locations On Fuel Tank:

[Image: SpectraPremiumCR14FuelTank3-1966Coronet.jpg~original]
Thanks for the pictures. I actually found those looking for the filler neck layout. Still need to see the hookup on the sending unit tho.
Thanks! Little dark but I can make it out. Looks like I'm gonna have to tweak the hard line to get it closer to the tank. Right now it's about 8-10" away. The ground strap that came in my kit is only 4" like I believe the original was. I did buy a ground strap only from the dealer and it was a long one but took it back due to the price and being included in the Year One kit.
67RTBlue Wrote:Thanks! Little dark but I can make it out. Looks like I'm gonna have to tweak the hard line to get it closer to the tank. Right now it's about 8-10" away. The ground strap that came in my kit is only 4" like I believe the original was. I did buy a ground strap only from the dealer and it was a long one but took it back due to the price and being included in the Year One kit.
Sorry about the darkness, I toke 5-6 pics under there, but they still came out dark, even had the droplight there.
Ok look at what I'm dealing with. Is the line bent wrong or is it tweaked that bad from shipping/storage?
I can't pull the line towards the tank because of the shock mount being in the way.
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